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23 November 2011

On November 21st, 2011, John D. Berry finished his first execution pass through final corrections to Book Four and has now started in on Book Five. I’m still working on creating the final, lockdown correction documents for Book Six. I will post a longer update soon.

In other news, I have just published a 34-page chapbook with full-color cover, The First Woman on Mars, an 8,000-word essay / prolegomenon / fiction about the future of the human race. Fifty copies are being offered for sale for $20 each in the U.S. ($17 + $3 s&h) and $25 outside the U.S. ($17 + $8 s&h), limit two per customer; send the appropriate amount via PayPal to vranizky at speakeasy dot net. Additional copies may or may not be produced. Copies are not numbered and will be signed only upon request. After production costs are covered, all proceeds will go to the Little, Big Project.

Best Wishes,

Ron Drummond

Updated Friday, 27-Jan-2023 06:53:46 MST

Published DATE 2011