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12 June 2019

It has become increasingly clear in recent months that persistent health problems and other life issues are making it difficult for me to effectively manage the end-game tasks (print production, distribution, administrative fulfillment) necessary to complete the Little, Big Project. With John Crowley's encouragement and support, I have decided to hand over management of the day-to-day detailed work of completing the edition to John D. Berry (my principle work partner from the beginning: the book’s typographer, production executor, and co-designer), who will oversee print production, and others, to be named later, who will oversee distribution and fulfillment. I will serve in an advisory role and continue to provide project oversight.

I’m grateful to all those involved for not only their willingness but their eagerness to step in and help finish a long and difficult project. We all dearly want to see it completed in the manner long envisioned and the form long established, and doing so remains the goal.

The text, design, and layout of the Trade, Numbered, and Lettered editions of Little, Big have been in final form for some time and will not be revised or revisited, aside from minor textual adjustments to the title and copyright pages and finalizing of information included in the colophon. We are all very happy with the design as it now stands; John Crowley and artist Peter Milton have been enthusiastic in their appreciation and approval.

As the transition is still in progress, for the time being all correspondence should continue to be directed to me. While a press date in the second half of this year remains a possibility, a firmer determination will have to wait until after the change in management is complete. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and thanks to all those who have sent messages of encouragement and support.

—Ron Drummond

Updated Friday, 27-Jan-2023 06:53:35 MST
Published 12 June 2019